Red Light Violation Detection System

    • AI-ML based Violation Detection
    • Centralized control & monitoring systems
    • Violation reviews & evidence
    • User management and admin function
    • Challan Generation Systems
    • Fault detection SMS & Mail alert

    Get in Touch

    Red light violations, a common sight on the roads of India, pose a significant threat to road safety and traffic management. The disregard for traffic signals not only endangers the lives of motorists, pedestrians, and cyclists but also contributes to traffic congestion and inefficiency.

    Red light violations in India are a complex problem that requires concerted efforts from both authorities and citizens. The consequences of these violations are not limited to traffic disruptions but extend to road safety, public perception, and overall societal order. By implementing technology-based solutions, raising public awareness, strengthening law enforcement, and enhancing traffic engineering, India can make significant strides towards curbing red light violations and creating safer roadways for all.

    Solution Overview

    YASHRETAIL’s RLVD uses multi frame recognition and vehicle tracking technology to gather the violation information. It detects the vehicles jumping the Red Traffic Signal, stopping after the stop line and over the zebra crossing at intersection. The system can enforce red light, speed and combined red light and speed offences. We offer video-based and radar based red light violation detection system. The video-based speed detection system or the speed enforcement camera system uses image processing techniques on video streams.

    At the core of the RLVD Solution is a system that synchronizes the status of red-light signals with the triggering signal to cameras. When a violation occurs, the Yashretail all-in-one capture camera takes three images of the violation to be used as evidence. These images include the vehicle license plate, status of traffic signal, and an overview of the scene. Afterwards, the platform and storage collect the data from each camera and distributes it to client operators for further processing. Edge storage devices ensure data from the cameras is saved, even in the event of transmission failure.

    Salient Features

    • AI-ML based Violation Detection
    • Centralized control & monitoring systems
    • Violation reviews & evidence
    • User management and admin function
    • Challan Generation Systems
    • Fault detection SMS & Mail alert



    How the RLVD system works?

    RLVD Solution comprises overview camera and ANPR camera

    • The overview camera continuously monitors the Red Traffic Signals.
    • During Red Traffic Signals, any vehicle jumps the Red Traffic Signal, stopping after the stop line and over the zebra crossing at intersection.
    • The entire violation scenario is captured by the overview camera.
    • Optical Character Recognition(OCR) is performed to read the license plate and identify the violator.
    • The system is integrated with Vahan database for automatic generation of E-challan.
    • Alerts are sent by mail or SMS to the owners of violating vehicles based on a review of photographic/video evidence at ICCC

    Key Features

    • Violation conditions – Jumping Red Traffic Signal, stopping after the Stop line and over the zebra crossing at intersection.
    • Data logs – Vehicle Image, License plate image, ANPR Image and Overview Video, OCR.
    • Evidence – Start time stamp of Red Traffic Signal, time stamp of Violation, location, arm ID, lane ID and direction of the vehicle.