- Computer & Networking
- Audio & Video
- Camera
- Home & Kitchen
Kitchen Appliances
- Cooking Appliances
- Steamers & Cookers
- Dishwashers
- Microwaves & Ovens
- Water Purifiers
- Juicer Mixer Grinders
- Coffee Makers
- Stoves / Cooktops & Induction Cookers
- Food Preparation Appliances
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- Toasters Sandwich Makers
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- Solutions
Traffic Control and Management Solution
- Area Traffic Control System (ATCS)
- Integrated Traffic Management System (ITMS)
- Adaptive Traffic Control System
- Red Light Violation Detection System
- Speed Violation Detection System
- Automatic Traffic Count and Classification
- Video Incident Detection System
- Adaptive Pedestrian Crossing System
- Smart Variable Messaging Systems
- Integrated Control and Command Centre
- Automatic Illegal Parking Detection System (AIPDS)
- Smart Solar Power Generation System (SSPGS)
- Satellite & Cable Tv
- Brands
Integrated Traffic Management System (ITMS)
- Adaptive Traffic Controller
- Vehicle Detection Camera
- ATCS Application Software
Get in Touch
The primary goal of ITMS Solution is to utilize information technology to modernize keyfunctions of traffic management, Traffic control, Traffic Law enforcement and trafficinformation dissemination in the city to build a safer city with smooth traffic flow, informed road users and improving the efficiency and effectiveness of Road Traffic Infrastructure. Which provide greater information to the authorities to proactively manage the ongoing traffic situation and allow citizens to make informed travel choices. With ITMS, the overall burden of traffic on the roads will reduce and it will result in greater journey time reliability for the citizens and local businesses improving overall productivity levels.
System Component Architecture of ITMS Solutions
Area Traffic Control System (ATCS)
ATCS is a dynamic vehicle actuated traffic control system which adapts signal timings automatically based on the real time traffic demand at intersection. Adaptive traffic controller use data from vehicle detectors and optimize the traffic signal timings and plan. This Controller is having features to perform at isolated intersection or as part of a synchronized network of Intersections. The Controller supports remote monitoring and management of Signal plans over various medium of communication network.
ATCS comprising following components
- Adaptive Traffic Controller
- Vehicle Detection Camera
- ATCS Application Software

Traffic Enforcement System (TES)
Traffic Enforcement System is an end to end solutions which automatically detect the violating vehicle by using appropriate Non-Intrusive sensors technology. The system is capable and configurable to complete the automation of the challan processing / printing process with manual verification. This shall automatically capture the relevant information of vehicle and integrate it with the vehicle database.
TES comprising following components
- Red Light Violation Detection (RLVD) System
- Speed Violation Detection Systems (SVDS)
- Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) System
- E-Challan System
Information Dissemination System (IDS)
Information Dissemination System play very important role for smart traffic management system. This system helps Road Authority to broadcast message and alert to road users remotely. It is a two-way communication technology where Road user can also use this technology for seeking information or help.
IDS comprising following components
- Public Address System (PAS)
- Emergency Call Box (ECB) System
- Speed Control Signs and Variable Message Sign Boards
- Pedestrian Information and Communication System
Traffic Surveillance System (TSS)
Traffic Surveillance System is implementation of CCTV Cameras at junction to monitor and record all activity at intersection which help authority to draft plan and take decision for better use of road infrastructure. Face recognition application support real time video processing and track the specified persons (identified by Authority) and match a suspect / criminal photograph available in database.
TSS comprising following components
- CCTV Surveillance System at junctions
- Face Recognition System
Traffic Control and Command Centre (TCCC)
Traffic Control and Command Centre is a setup with all the equipment’s and software application which help Authority to monitor, control, command and manage traffic of the entire city on real time. Wherein IT and Non-IT infrastructure is established to collect, process, record and share traffic information to Authority and broadcast information to road users remotely.
TCCC comprising following components
- MPLS network
- ITMS and other Application Software
- Video Wall
- Data Storage
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Yash Retail And Services Pvt Ltd
Address : Plot No 240, Ground Floor, Bhawani Enclave, VPO - Bhondsi, Sohna Road, Gurgaon, Haryana, India, Pin Code - 122102
Email ID : help@yashretail.com
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