Adaptive Traffic Control System

    • Vehicle actuated traffic control
    • Centralized control & monitoring systems
    • Green corridor synchronization
    • Smart Pole
    • Vehicle Detection Camera
    • Centralized real time monitoring
    • Fault detection SMS & Mail alerts

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    YASHRETAIL is ToT Partner with CDAC, R & D Organization, Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (Government of India) for manufacturing of Adaptive Traffic Control Systems.

    This dynamic vehicle actuated traffic control system is designed to address the highly heterogeneous traffic conditions by continuously assessing real time traffic demand from vehicle detectors deployed at strategic locations.

    Based on the assessment, the system generated optimum signal timings for signal coordination in vehicle actuated mode of traffic signal
    operation, there by minimizing stops and delay at traffic junctions and reduce overall journey time.


    Salient Features

    • Vehicle actuated traffic control
    • Centralized control & monitoring systems
    • Green corridor synchronization
    • Smart Pole
    • Vehicle Detection Camera
    • Centralized real time monitoring
    • Fault detection SMS & Mail alerts


    Adaptive Traffic Signal Controller

    ATSC is a vehicle actuated road traffic signal controller that controls the signal lamps over wired medium. ATSC is Area Traffic Control System (ATCS) compatible having features to perform at isolated intersections or as part of a synchronized chain of controllers. The controller supports remote monitoring and management of signal plans over various medium of communication network. Optimized Solar power operation, PWM based intensity control of signal lamps, GPS / Server based distributed time synchronization, pole mountable / plinth mountable miniature architecture are other features of Cute. Cute has been developed by CDAC (T) under the “Intelligent Transportation System Endeavour (InTranSe) for Indian Cities” which is a National level Collaborative Research and Development Program funded by the Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DeitY), Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, Government of India.


    Vehicle Detection Camera

    Vehicle Detection Camera combines a CMOS Camera and Video detector into a single vehicle presence sensor. Detecting Moving and Stationary vehicle at signalized intersections, VDC transmits vehicle presence information to traffic controllers via detection outputs for dynamic signal timing. This system helps reduce wait time and optimize the traffic flow.


    TrafiCam detects vehicles over multiple lanes in any direction.

    • Real-time traffic verification and monitoring
    • Stop bar vehicle presence detection
    • Warning Message
    • Traffic adaptive requiring accurate zone occupancy measurement<
    • Ramp metering



    Position and verify custom vehicle presence detection zones

    • Detection zones displayed
    • Presence zones are easily repositioned in changing traffic situations


    TrafiCam mounts onto existing infrastructure and quickly integrates with existing platforms.

    • Non-intrusive, above-ground installation
    • Detection output transmission



    Traffic Monitoring and Management Software

    TraMM is a software tool to monitor and manage the traffic signal controller remotely from the Command-and-Control Centre. TraMM has dedicated Human Machine Interface graphic software to configure, visualize real traffic patterns and control the traffic signals remotely. It provides option to monitor the data in different visual formats such as Trends, Charts, Reports and Remote Animation Screens.

    Dedicated User Management System is a part of TraMM which embeds application links for user to navigate the overall system. Centralized junction configuration tool of TraMM facilitates plan download and upload functionality to configure the junctions remotely. It receives the online junction pattern periodically from different junction controllers and the same will be distributed to associated modules for display and reporting